Dylan Parker

About Brianna Cook and her not being able to tie a knot:

Is this a cold hard fact? Along the same line (and no disrespect intended), is Brianna mentally challenged so that at her age, she cannot tie her shoes? Surely, throughout her life, anyone seeing that she couldn't tie a knot or tie her shoes, would have automatically attempted to teach her something that kids routinely learn to do before entering middle school. What is the reason she could not tie her shoes, etc.? Again, I am not judging.

I haven't see a police statement regarding how Brianna was hanged. I have seen it said that she was hanged with a "tow strap." If you look through images of toe straps, you will see a variety of end finishes. Some have a loop at each end made of the same strap material. One end can be threaded through the other to make a self-tightening cinch. The more weight is placed on the strap, the tighter it becomes. Other end finishes could be manipulated similarly. It would not be necessary to know how to tie a not to do the job.

And is there also no question that Brianna and Dylan attended a party at the very same house? Some say there are no coincidences, but I don't totally agree and I am another person who says that is way suspish. Who are the people and what are they like, who threw the parties? Were any of the same people documented as being at both parties? All good wholesome people, right?

/r/Missing411 Thread