‘Crazy Rich Asians’ and the new face of the 1 per cent

Alongside this is an undeniable sense of rising Asian confidence, and with it a recognition of the growing failings of those once-admired nations of Europe and North America.


Although they may be charmed by the romance of Crazy Rich Asians, western cinema-goers are ultimately unlikely to be comfortable with the geopolitical rebalancing upon which this rising Asian self-assurance is based, argues Parag Khanna, Singapore-based author of The Future is Asian, a forthcoming book. “This is a huge change, as it dawns on the west that Asians used to make things for us and now we are making things for them,” he says.

I think this portion of the article is what can sway opinions on this sub about the film most.

Most people here are too hung up on Ken Jeong's shitty acting to take notice of the fact that this film actually bolsters perception of asian male masculinity and frankly objectifies them more than the women. But the people complaining about it haven't watched the movie anyway.

Most people here are too hung up on the fact that this film doesn't accurately portray their life experience as an asian or doesn't give a balanced take on Singaporean society, but no one here actually holds any other movie to that standard. Does every movie that takes place in San Francisco have to discuss the city's homelessness problem? Or the wealth disparity for New York? This is a fucking romantic comedy, let me know when people start holding When Harry Met Sally's feet to the fire in the same way. But the people complaining about it haven't watched the movie anyway.

Anyone who has seen this movie knows it's progress for us, and you'll know it in the first 5 minutes of the movie.

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