In each country and region, more boys than girls aspired to a things-oriented or STEM occupation and more girls than boys to a people-oriented occupation. These sex differences were larger in countries with a higher level of women’s empowerment.

Kids still grow up in society and within a family, both of which will influence them despite 'women's empowerment'.

The only way to get rid of this completely would be raising children with robots away from their families and being educated until adulthood in this issolated system with no cartoons, films of media to influence them. Obviously this would be dystopian and truly unethical.

Let's not pretend it's something biological or genetic, because it isn't. Both men and women can be nurturing. If we look at some matriarchal tribal societies we see women in roles of power and leading and men in nurturing roles, but it is very hard and slow to change cultures of large populations. Women have only had the vote and ability to work for less than 70yrs, it takes a lot longer for our views of the roles of women in society to change along with how we represent women in films and TV.

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