Electrocharge trigger

Yup this. But definitely doesnt mean Childe wouldnt trigger it either.. from my experience theres so many electro-dmg at once and some deal below 1k(which I considered low if my 400-em+4s Tf triggering) so I guess Childe also triggered the reaction from time-to-time.

Wish Mhy rework the application of this element and maybe give slight bump to elemental reaction damage(minus vapo/melt ofc). Building EM on char other than Sucrose seem a waste right now.

https://streamable.com/7yoxv9 Childe120+ EM, Fischl 450+ EM with 4s TF.

So I record this couple days ago when I tried to actually identify which is which xD and IF we only count from the element debuff, we can see on the Flower hp, theres Hydro+Electro most of the time so supposedly the one triggering is Fischl. But I still saw below 1k electro dmg which Im not even sure from what source, either its Oz-non crit atk or the Electrocharged triggered by Childe. It may even come from the 2nd tick of Electrocharged triggered by Fischl/Childe, iirc there 2 tick of EC dmg with the 1st tick deal bigger dmg than second one.

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