ELI5: Why do certain textures cause some people irrational discomfort?

I have misophonia - it is absolutely life-changing.

My triggers are gum chewing, eating, sniffing, people who say 'um' a lot, loud breathing, smacking lips, clearing throats - they make me rage to a point I cannot near the noise.

Miso has effectively ruined my life - I wear ear plugs 100% of the time, I make excuses not to be around other people and have lost jobs that were amazing and awesome because I was stuck in a place with someone who triggered me. No one 'gets' what I live with - I have family members who even make the sound on purpose because they know what it does to me and think I'm 'silly' or over-reacting. I get asked out or want to ask someone out and I don't go because I know it will end up in me hating the person for a noise they are not intentionally making. I ask people to stop making a noise and try to explain what is wrong and they look at me like I'm crazy.

I live - if that's what you call it - single, alone and trapped inside my mind - it's a horrible, terrible, ridiculous disorder and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

I'm not saying this for sympathy or encouragement - I'm saying this because if you have a child who complains about sound like this - please, please, please take them seriously - my childhood was awful - sitting in classes wanting to die and contemplating suicide over classmates sniffs or coughs - my parents not understanding and making fun of my complaints - my childhood and adult life have been a living nightmare because of this - PLEASE take the person who tells you they have misophonia seriously - I cannot describe accurately what it does, but it's miserable and they cannot avoid or help their reaction.

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