Elliot Page is a great man who must never be questioned. As for Ellen Page, well......

I agree, his fame and media presence while once was a benefit to his listeners, he was in a great position and was helping many I truly believe that. But his personal battle with his enemy “Dictator Trudeau” and the “Radical Woke Left” has left him sour, resentful and his outlook has been twisted into something that couldn’t be further from where he started when writing maps of meaning. he’s focusing too much on this, it’s hurting his image, and his legacy. He needs to learn to bite his tongue, even though the right to free speech is something we all must never lose, we also must learn to know when to use it or when to just keep quiet, just because your speech is free, doesn’t mean it’s right.

/r/JordanPeterson Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it