Germany to ease immigration laws | The German government is hoping to give over 130,000 migrants trapped in a legal limbo the chance to stay permanently, as part of an overhaul of Germany's immigration system.

My first business would not have been successful without immigrants. I had a business repairing roofs on houses. But I had lots of competition which made it hard. So I started hiring only immigrants for labor. Not only could other businesses not compete, but I made record profits. They'd work for half the wages of other businesses and they didn't even know what 'benefits' were.

Had I hired locals, they'd complain about pay and working conditions. Immigrants often come from terrible living conditions, so what I provided was paradise in comparison. They would live 5-10 to an apartment while locals complained about affording an apartment for JUST them. They really are the backbone of our economy. I love immigrants and enjoy the nummy foods they bring. With the pressure on wages in this economy, immigration is needed more than ever.

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