[EMN] Reid Duke's Limited Set Review - Red

Who gives a toss about downvotes? Maybe it is time for some introspection if downvotes rub you the wrong way so much.

It's an expression that someone is unwelcome. That their opinion is not valuable. That's what a downvote means: "Your opinion was off topic or did not contribute at all to the subreddit."

I'm not begging for upvotes. But people shouldn't be flashing a giant "fuck you" to people that they disagree with.

Also downvoting strictly false information is pretty much exactly what downvotes SHOULD be used for.

  1. No, it's not. It's for decreasing the priority of comments that don't contribute. Even if you think I'm wrong, I'm discussing the set and potential card synergies. What I said has value because someone else new, like me, might make the same mistake I did. On topic discussion is valuable. reddiquette

  2. What I said was not strictly false. It wasn't even arguably false. It was an opinion. I said it has the potential to be playable as a gimmick. Now, yes, I fucked up and forgot that Demonic Pact is ORI, not SOI. But what I was saying was not, "This is an objectively good card," but, "Come on, there has to be something that can give value to this."

/r/magicTCG Thread Parent Link - channelfireball.com