Empaths and Ukraine/Russia

It should be noted that your privilege and freedoms came at the expense of my son's mother, his aunts and uncles, his grand parents and other assorted elders.

What we have in Canada came at great cost to others, and continues to this day.

People forget this.

My son's ancestry is Kipohtakaw and Northern Irish (occupied Ireland), so when others expect me to pic a side...they dont like the '3rd side' I choose.

As Im sure you are well aware, this is the end result of many years of planning and expansion on the part of NATO/USA...and frankly we all knew it would come down to this eventually.

Neutral is a hard place to remain, but just like me...Ukraine should aim for neutrality, lest people hate you for any choice made. TBH having short range nuclear warheads with a 5 min flight time from Moscow is unacceptable from their perspective. Just as unacceptable as it is to have rusky nukes in Cuba to the US, but apparently we're rather hypocritical and expect them just to 'accept it'. heheh!!! Us white guys are pretty fuckin' stupid...

/r/Empaths Thread