Ender 3 V2 SKR board and TFT35


I havent found a direct diagram to connect the

SKR e3 mini 1.2 board to the E3 TFT35 screen. I am just finally getting my ender3 back together after getting the board and TFT35 E3 about a years ago. Also adding the first BLTouch at same time. download the 1.2 BLTouch z home Firmware. before I start plugging everything in to the board. The current firmware BigTree has up for 1.2 w BLTouch z home. besides needing to know the board to screen cabling I saw that 2.0.x setup with end stops x and y sensor plugs are wired with jumpers to x and y Driver Dia.
if there’s a good current step by step video or website. id love to here from anyone who has the answers I see. I’m going to get started with what I’ve foun. Before I power up anything Im going to check back thank you