[Event] At the Sign of the Fox and Harrier (Open to King's Landing)

"THERE'LL BE NO STEW IF THERE ARE NO ONIONS HA- ... Oh, Madam Rhea, good day," As the woman entered the kitchen, the cook Gaspard quieted down, giving up on whatever argument he had been in with the innkeep. He had been swinging the wooden spoon in his hand in exasperated motions that were reflected in a splatter of red sauce on the wall.

"Ah, Rhea, a pleasure," Hale said, turning around to greet her. If there had been any signs of anger on his face during his argument with Gaspard, they had already disappeared, and he returned Rhea's smile with one of his own.

"What brings you in today? Must be a busy night at the The Velvet too eh? I do what I can to keep men warm, but I'll admit your establishment offers far better remedies."

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