[Mod-Post] Mod Applications

Are you applying to be a discussion mod or a quick mod? I'm applying to become a quick mod. From the type of work that each group does, I prefer the discussion mods workload, but given the amount of time I can dedicate to moderation, quick mod duty is better suited.

Why do you want to moderate Seven Kingdoms? I want to moderate 7K because I enjoy the community, and given the strain on the mod team currently I'd like to help out with what I can. What can you bring to the team? I have the occasional spare time, so I can help out with minor things needing doing, maybe a few hours a week tops.

How would you evaluate your knowledge of SevenKingdoms mechanics? I'd say it's decent, but if I'm going to moderate I'll read up on the categories I'll be working on a bit more. How do you plan to improve on this? Partly by reading up on the mechanics a little, and after that experiencing them in practice. I find that using knowledge is what establishes it.

How would you handle a particularly tense conflict pertaining to mechanics or rule interpretation. I'll read the rules, voice my interpretation once, and vote according to it. I'd probably let the rest of you handle the arguing, and then act according to the decision made. I'm interested in helping with the workload, not arguing how the game should be run.

How active do you expect to be as a mod? At the very least once a day, but it could be a lot more depending on how much time I have IRL. This is why I opted for quickmod duty since I mightn't always have a lot of time. How much time will you dedicate to doing modwork? A few hours a week most likely.

Which parts of the game do you think need to be tweaked? Given the current strain on the moderators, maybe a page with clear templates for how to submit orders to reduce the mod workload. I don't intend to advocate any mechanics changes until we catch up with what needs doing.

Have you moderated any other subreddits? Yes, I have moderated on /r/DawnPowers a few years ago.

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