Have you ever lived through something that felt like it was straight out of a movie? What happened?

There's a lot of weird coincidences between me and a dead guy from a very long time ago, I hate talking about because it sounds like pure bollocks it's so fucking bizarre, I thought you might enjoy it tho. So I'm not naming him but he's not especially obscure and there's a reference to him just above lol. We are from the same country. Apparently he was born with several defects, I can name them all because I was born with the same ones - all of them, and then a couple others (like an immune disorder and some other minor shite) that wouldn't have been detectible in a desiccated corpse so he MIGHT have had them as well, and nobody can tell. If you take my face and put it on what's left of his they line up exactly and we have the same teeth. This is fucking weird in itself but the fact that my father is an archaeogeneticist who's actually studied this dead guy, and my mother is a genetic engineer, makes it something that absolutely belongs in a film.

(NB, I am aware it is extremely illegal to clone humans, before anyone calls bullshit, and I don't truly think I'm a clone but the amount of coincidences are fucking strange and creepy.)

In case anyone is curious here are the problems I had at birth and that he also supposedly had: congenital retrognathism (means I had an atrocious overbite) that wound up requiring jaw surgery at 15 so I look somewhat normal, a fairly mild cleft palate, unilateral TEV (same foot) with hypophalangism (same toe, it's the middle one, and same foot) and walking on it even tho it was repaired when I was little has led to the same problem he had were the blood flow to my foot bones is messed up and some of them are dying because it's not quite flat like it should be, which has made my other foot sort of lean inward to compensate, and slight scoliosis. I am currently in a boot because I fucked up my already fucked up foot chasing my niece in the swimming pool, fun times.

I'm deleting this later because it makes me look like a freak but I just thought it fitted in well with the question.

/r/AskReddit Thread