Every woman and girl needs to lift weights, learn self defense/martial arts, and learn how to handle a gun

I’m on /r/xxfitness a lot and we stress the importance of having balanced body strength, instead of just doing hundreds of barbell squats and hip thrusts so you can get a big butt. The amount of women who make posts there like “I want to do upper body workouts too but I don’t want to look like a man” is irritating. Most het women are so focused on male desirability they will neglect their entire upper body at the gym. No pushups, no pull ups, no bench pressing....just endless amounts of squats and hip thrusts. Every time someone makes a post like this we say the saaame thing - you will not “look like a man” suddenly. It doesn’t work that way for women’s bodies.

There are other reasons to strength train that don’t involve trying to get men’s attention. It makes it easy for you to carry your own groceries, carry your toddler if you have one, protect yourself from someone stronger than you trying to overpower you....I mean there was even a woman a few years ago who talked about how when she moved to a new apartment she decided not to hire any movers to save money. since she and her 2 best friends had been working out for 3 years constantly together, they were strong enough at that point to move everything on their own. It can even save you money.

/r/BlackPillFeminism Thread