"Everyone who disagrees with me is an ideologue. We Lobsters are immune to ideology."

u/hakel93 is feeding you the internet marxists guide to life or something.

David Harvey takes pains to stress the link between Foucault and Marx while still distinguishing Foucault from Marx.

Alain Badiou, who you can find hanging out with Zizek discussing Marx, who was literally part of the 68 Paris uprising, who has written books on Marx and Mao, and who has made his academic project the assimilating of "anti" ideas (Wittgenstein and Lacan are "anti-philosopher"s) praises Foucault in The Communist Hypothesis as the anti-philosopher extraordinaire.

Badiou is a Maoist. He also likes Max Stirner, and the Meta-ethics reads like an anarchist wrote it and not a Marxist, and the Meta-politics is a book almost against discussion for the sake of legitimate political action, but to be called an "anti-philosopher" by Alain Badiou is high praise coming from someone who is still politically active and constantly re-framing what constitutes "the worker". For instance, he's pointed out that attacks against illegal immigrants are simply attacks against the proletariat.

You could argue that u/hakel93 relying on the writings of someone like Mark Fisher is simply an anglo-centric world view run a-muck, or a restatement of Sartre's claiming that Foucault is the last bastion of the bourgeoisie. Talking about Foucault like this also raises questions about historical materialism in the sense that one can simply turn around and historicize Foucault, read him as an output of capital, and then claim that to contemplate Foucault's marginalized people is an effect of the restructuring of neo-liberal society and a proper thought to a society which is in the later stages of capitalism and not yet ripe for any sort of trotskyist revolution. It's easy to turn this around and call u/hakel93's apparent vanguard-ism social conservatism and anti-revolutionary.

You barely have to read the comment to know that he's a heterosexual white male.

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