True story

Your aggressive tone. But you do you. That's the MO in Reddit. Women do all specialties, including Neurosurgery. However, we want to have children because we sacrifice our 20's. We usually get pregnant during or a little after residency, when pregnancy is considered senile. Women physicians work and manage home. It is hard.You can ask all physicians women if you want, I don't really care. I am not from Cuba, but I have a cousin who studied 2 years there and then went to Spain. I should not know anything from you, especially because you are very unpleasant and arrogant. And ignorant. Physicians in Cuba are well educated and should be able to buy toothpaste. They develop vaccines and are highly humanistic people. Respect! Now, I am not debating with you anymore. I really don't want to convince you. I was trying to help people see that information was not accurate. But if you want to believe whatever, I don't care.

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