Raised in a militantly Baptist environment in Atlanta. Received a crazy Christian education, took my first factual science class in college and I am just angry.

I compare him to a Pharisssee

Remember that just because the Bible demonizes a people doesn't make them bad. To give what will turn into a long example (and hopefully educational), it's similar to how the Philistines were demonized in the story of Samson.

The story of Samson was propaganda meant to dehumanize all Philistines so that killing them would seem just and right, which is always done by one side to justify killing the other (see American WWII propaganda that portrayed all Germans and Japanese as ravenous, murderous beasts). Read in an unbiased manner, it is clear that Samson was a psychotic murderer who did terrible things to many innocent Philistines. Exhibit A, killing 30 random people for their wardrobes to pay off a gambling debt (scroll down to Judges 14:11-20). It was only natural for the authorities to try and put a stop this psychopath. Every story he is harming innocent people or killing those who were the equivalent of the police trying to put a murderer behind bars.

Back to the Pharisees, they are frequently viewed differently by the Jewish people. They were depicted as wicked people for their opposition to Jesus. Did some go to far? Well every group has bad apples, but they certainly didn't deserve the bad rap Jesus gave them.

Here are the closing statements of a great video trilogy on Samason done by DarkMatter2525, which is very concise and thought provoking. I highly recommend watching the entire trilogy. He does a great job constantly showing the Bible verses along with each scene so that you can read them in the Bible as you go along. It's not a substitute for your own research, but it's a great starter.

TL;DR Don't take the Bible at its word. When it demonizes a people or person it is not necessarily so.

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