How do I become a more likable person?

Maybe you come off as pretentious. Try not giving a fuck more. Smile, and learn how to be charismatic. People love it when you ask questions about them. Look them in the eye when talking to them and don’t look away. Smile, be genuinely interested in what they have to say. Don’t talk about yourself unless prompted. Make them feel like they are the only person at the party. People gravitate toward charisma. It takes work. I was fucked up and lost for a long time. Now it just comes naturally because I’m positive and I have a solid frame, and I’ve got a lot going on. I can literally carry a conversation with anyone (this comes with life experience and being able to relate to people your experiences or knowledge). Be interesting. 20 year olds aren’t interesting, begin by going on a 6 week trip somewhere by yourself.

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