F in the comments for those parents whose kids gained awareness.

This is the worst kind of parenting. I know you think r/kidsarefuckingstupid, but this kind of shit is bad to do as a parent. Tell your kid the fucking truth. Don’t lie to them to get them to be compliant. You are the fucking adult. Tell them the truth.

We are leaving now.

If they cry and throw a fit, it’s ok. They are upset. But if you give in or lie to them, you are a shitty parent. Don’t give your kids further reason to think you are a liar and hypocrite. You are just modeling behaviour that you don’t want them to copy

Can we rename this sub r/parentswhodothisshitarefuckingstupid

God damned you people are fuckin dumb

/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid Thread Link - i.redd.it