Family member being falsely accused of domestic abuse.

Thank you for the rely again. His current charges is for failure to appear to court once the DA pressed charges. He never got a notice to appear in court for this. Two things may have happened. Either they mailed him letters to appear and his father never passed them on (he doesn’t live in his home anymore because his daughter is not allowed there) or they never showed up. His father claims the latter but again that’s just his word. He has no reason to lie and has been honest in the past but idk. Everyone is capable of lying.

But this is what we figured the answer would be. We were just hoping maybe there were some sort of resources we were unaware of to aid in false domestic violence charges.

Really this could all go away if his ex admits the charges are false. But no way would she incriminate herself so we don’t see that happening.

It’s just really disheartening seeing him go through this and crying almost every night because he won’t be able to see his daughter for who knows how long. That’s really what he’s most upset about. He’s spent the last 2 years changing his life for the better and it’s all come crashing down because of her accusation.

But I’ll leave you be now, seems all we can do is hope for the best.

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