In Oklahoma- If property management isn't honoring their leasing contract, does this gives me the right to demand to terminate my lease without penalty?

Thank you for your comment. The ongoing beeping sound is literally insane! I work from home, so this is the sound I hear ALL day. I have to keep music or the tv on just to help drown it out. Or, I stay upstairs to lessen the sound. The dirty windows are in the room I've made my WFH office, and maybe it's OCD, but the look of the filthy windows literally affects my mood and the room is so gloomy. It makes for a depressing workspace. I honestly have never experienced a landlord with such a dismissive attitude. It sucks because I'm new to this state, so I'm not familiar with how the landlord/tenant laws are here. I rented this place by only seeing it via video and I deeply regret it. I didn't realize my asking for basic maintenance requests would be met with such dismissal. Gonna do what I need to do to get out here with the hope that my next place is owned by someone with your encouraging and helpful attitude. Thank you!

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