This is Fascism and we should say it clearly...while we can

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Tell that to all the far-right parties that also hold many of those tenets in europe.

Control of Thought: Republicans want to deny teaching of sex ed and evolution in school, push texas book publishers to label slaves as servants and that it wasn't that bad, play down the severity of how the US treated the indians. Under Bush Nasa and NOAA climate scientists were prevented from discussing global warming. Suppression of stem cell research. Suppression of reproductive rights. Trying to force religion INTO schools.

Also, Fascism is not govt control of industry, its industry (and thus the rich) control of govt. Its closer to plutocracy, where govt legislative power is welded to industy.

Many senior nazi party officials were also heads of large industrial groups in germany, and their pet industries got lucrative war contracts. Hitlers own personal physician made millions supplying amphetamines and other medicines to the Reich. US Senators may be in the pocket of industry, but there wasn't even that level of seperation in Nazi Germany.

FASCISM: ALEC writes laws which republican groups then help to pass. Rich plutocrats are kingmakers.

IDENTITY POLITICS: US vs Them. Trump and his comments about Mexicans. Trumps racist retweets. The whole gay marriage debate inside various republican circles.

PATRIOTISM and the STATE: George Bush "You are either with us or against us". Freedom Fries.

The Koch brothers are 'kingmakers' in the republican party and nearly every republican candidate met with them and other plutocratic groups to suck up to the rich.

Really, what you are talking about is "Horseshoe Politics" where the ultra-left and ultra-right are indistinguishable in many ways.

  • You wrote seperation which should have been separation

<3 Good day Courtesy | Of | User Virnios

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