As a father of a 3 yo, I am probably the first generation that would rather find my teen child experimenting with marijuana over alcohol or cigarettes.

lol what is wrong with people? The effects of pot and the reality of this drug are not "opinions" the drug is what it is it's chemical composure and te effects on human brain do not vary opinion to opinion. It's a matter that needs to be approached with facts. Accepting it is your opinion if course, but to make up reasons why it should not be accepted would be operating on the primitive reefer madness mindset. It's a plant that contains a chemical that stimulates dopamine receptors in our brains. Adding marijuana to your brain chemicals will have varying effects from person to person based on their baseline brain chemistry. The same as there are different kinds of "drunks" there are different "potheads". In general and for myself it seems weed has no abutting to impair the brain to the point of malfunction. Ingesting marijuana is something that to me atleast can be done before disarming a bomb. The way this substance reacts with my brain in minute and is comparable to the enjoyment I get from a free fillet minion with baked beans on the side. It simply puts myself and other in a simple state of bliss. No motor impairment or memory loss no speech or coherency difficulties either and Definitely no hallucinations.

Something else that gets under my skin when it comes to the marijuana debate is the argument that the substance is unregulated, and I totally understand the importance of regulation. So the obvious answer to that is to regulate it..duh? A substance control structure similar to what we have in place for alcohol would work terrific. Legal to consume in privacy and possess under certain circumstances like age requirements and open bottle laws. My opinion is that it's perfectly ok to drive on as it offers less impairment than a cup of coffee but it would only be fair to go ahead with implementing a field test system to detect marijuana intoxication and charge those who drive while high properly as such. The industry would create jobs, revenue, and education. It would be overall good for society. I can say that without masquerading as one of of these marijuana extremist opinion people, who come out saying shit like close down alchohol and tobacco companies. Because in reality alcohol and tobacco companies serve the same purpose as a proposed marijuana industry, one could speculate that both industries would suffer when an incoming marijuana industry is introduced but that's fair capitalism. It's an exo system of business and the strongest survive.

/r/Showerthoughts Thread