I would like to be considered for the Grand Prize.

The ideal wand for me would be a 13¼ inch holly wood wand, with a dragon heartstring core, surprisingly swishy. It has a dark knot of wood at the base that twists just perfectly to fit in my grasp, before becoming more slender, paler, and less rustic, the length becoming increasingly carved, with the tip enveloped in intricate leaves. A small sketch.

My grandparents are Welsh, so I have always felt a strong connection to Celtic lore. According to Celtic Druidism, the holly tree is used for protection, overcoming anger, embracing sleep, and in celebration of Winter Solstice, the light in the darkest months of the year. Holly is, in fact, the opposite to me in many ways, but balances out and compliments me rather than simply matching. I struggle in the darkest months with Seasonal Affective Disorder, and a holly wood wand would always calm me, cool my temper, ease my stress, and give me the strength to carry on no matter how dire the situation may seem.

Unlike the wood, the core is my twin in temperament. I am not consistent, but neither am I elegant or rare, so much like the creature it once belonged to, the dragon heartstring is well suited to my short temper, and tendency to passionate swings of emotion. It would lean towards backfiring on occasion, particularly if I were attempting spells when angry or stressed. This would be particularly irritating during exams, but completely and utterly appropriate given how I normally perform during each and every exam I have ever taken. I couldn’t make it easy for myself, could I?

The length is important as well, since most people would assume that at 5ft 3 I would have a short wand, however I have a loud personality, a big heart, and a lot to give, so I feel a longer wand would help to accommodate that.

As for the flexibility, I am indecisive and sometimes fickle, but loyal to a fault. So while seemingly rigid at first glance, it has enough flexibility to accommodate my changing wants and needs, but maintaining a constancy to keep me level when I’m being too temperamental.

My wand would be a friend. Not just the kind of friend you’d go to parties with, or meet up for coffee once a week, but the kind who you’d not speak to for months, but end up calling at 4 in the morning when you just want to die, and they talk you down, and then you spend the next few days in each other’s company. It would be the kind of friend not afraid to call you out on your bullshit, but always be in your corner.

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