searching through [ U R L ="" ]Previous suggestions[ / u r l ] for feedback to give feedback on is an unnecessarily time consuming thing. You really want us to search through thousands of potential comments relating to our concerns?

Why not just have a document based post with previous suggestions of our own and the most upvoted comments gets added and updated to the next post and eventually it becomes a priority update to keep future suggestions and feedback all together in one place that's easily understood and all kept together. Plus it keeps everyone on the same page on what the focus is on. It also saves us questioning ourselves if we are getting heard or not so repeated suggestions will occur less. Then start hosting weekly polls on content so we can be involved in updates we want.

Personally, I'm waiting for improvements and added content like:

* Visual graphics to NPCs like the cat

* Right click crouch and the party all crouches

* Normal facial movements from NPCs instead of staring aimlessly with there mouth closed

* More immersive party during cutscenes instead of them standing idle

* Camp not fully furnished when you visit the first time, ruins the surprise so you're now expecting more creatures to eventually join here. Also they should make there own area and everyone should have there own bed with an item beside the bed to tell whose is whose

* The spiders "Eating" animation needs more effects and to actually consume instead of moving back and fourth

* Many changes regarding Sazza

* Personalities, after playing the Mordor games and seeing completely different personalities for orcs, in BG3 everyone seems very similar to each other

* Different responses in dialog instead of copy and pasted lines, Also Better anticipation following alternate paths to take every player choice into account.

I wanted Sazza Alive, so I had one party member protect her while the others killed all Three Goblin leaders, Sazza randomly dies

* Remove quest markers on areas that tell you to interact with it unless you're shown exactly where it is otherwise have an area marker where it could be

Like the goblin stash it's just shown on the map in an area we've never been before. It just ruins the fun of finding it as apposed to feeling like a chore to go see it

* Spiders changed back to unable to leave the pit.

Why did you guys change this? they are unpredictable creatures, Throw a dead or alive creature in and should be impossible for them to resist temptation so they will eat it while healing them

Currently it completely defeats the purpose of the locked gate and there is no way they could jump up that high. Lastly it doesn't make them as fearful even to the Goblins which would be a great snack to them.

* The new "dirt" and "bruises" feature is great but I think it needs tweaking.

1) D&B should happen at the impact area and add more effects like:

1A) More effects like if you're in a muddy area but of it drip off

1B) Falling long heights would injure your legs so you'd limp in pain for a bit

1C) Getting dirty would make sense if you are in dusty areas or a cave and you're clothes would get really dirty if you get knocked over

1D) If you're near an explosion the smoke would different you're clothes differently

1E) In combat specific hits over a certain DC also rips and damages clothing becoming tattered showing signs of wear to lower the value overtime as it is used

This would open up a business for basic repairs. Also adds immersion as to "Wow, What has that guy been doing?"

2) From just running you have a different lighter Dirty look followed by stink lines to show you stink so NPCs and you're own party react to this:

2A) Potentially distract or make hostile creatures towards you with you're fowl stench

2B) Making some creatures puke and making them sick which gives you an advantage in combat if needed be

2C) Not allowed in certain establishments unless you get cleaned up first

* More gore and violence especially in combat, Rolling a 20 should give you a decapitation scene or a serious visual impact on the opponent.

It feels like the only gore thing in the whole of EA was the exposed brain. It really kills the hype to see so many things getting bypassed by the constant camera angle changing so we miss seeing the exciting action

like the Illithid crawl out of the eye for example.

* Ability to recruit special NPCs so you're not stuck with the default.

* Add wildlife, The land feels so empty and also have the ability to hunt, kill, Skin, make clothing, food.

* Eventually replace the ruins to teleport around the game with another form of magic that uses consumable Runes for example

/r/BaldursGate3 Thread