FI survey results released!

You may have paid off your house by now and hence have low household annual expense, and so, thank you for your anecdotal experience.

Don't get snappy with me because you can't figure it out and I explained it.

I had a low annual expense prior to that which is why my house is paid off. I would have been in the group you are talking about.

However, I'm looking at the statistics/ data for the sub-group (30-34 and 100-200K income) and wondering about general trends in it.

They live in small houses and don't do much. I had 100k of debt three years ago. Now I have zero. I'm the group you are talking about. I bought a small house, didn't do much other than work, and kept our expenses low. House was about 800 a month. Insurance was 200. Utilities are about 150. Car costs are basically none existent. Cell phone 150. So now I'm at 1300 per month. Tack in $600 for food a month which is 20 dollars a day so that is an over estimate and there you have it. The left over money we used to crush debt. Now it's going to investments and vacations.

Takes money to make money. You want to max out your house payments that's fine. You won't build wealth quickly if you do that.

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