Finding the right shade is equally hard for BOTH black people and white people! It’s hard for both extremes and yes any shade that works on someone with a deeper skin tone is obviously an extreme shade

I called out a pail Princess in the sub and they accused me of being a mod.

That same pail princess has also previously said they are NW20/Glossier G11, which is not even *that* pale and can be found in pretty much every single foundation range. I'm around the same depth and while it can be difficult to find an olive undertone match, I have genuinely never encountered a single foundation that did not have a shade in the same general lightness as my skin tone (and they usually have several lighter shades than mine too...).

I can't believe they typed out aaaall of that tone-deaf nonsense about foundations not going light enough and they aren't even so pale that they would legitimately have issues finding foundations anyway. As always with pail princesses, they probably just have unusual undertones (or just don't know them) and blame it on being pale.

/r/BGCCircleJerk Thread Parent