Follow Friday/Follow Chain - June 02 - Share Your Usernames & Find New People To Follow!

I am re-evaluating my relationship with social media. I only have Instagram. It was initially something I got to keep in touch with my family and friends cause I packed my life up and moved far away.

It became something else creatively.

Hear me out:

I started using follow Friday last year and in that time realized it's not conducive with whatever this medium means to me. I'm not even sure what direction I want to take it I've been stagnant on it for months, and not active I the ways I should be.

I mean no ill will but as a result of whatever this thing will become and changes I'm making, I'm beginning to tailor down who I follow and have begun unfollowing some of you. Not all, as I actually have built some solid rapports with a number of you.

I hope you understand, no ill will. I apologize for this confusion and hope the courtesy in communicating this is accepted. All the best fellow redditors.

You can unfollow me at: @bear.beat.

Sorry again.

/r/Instagram Thread