For the 40+ guys on here, how do you feel about dating younger men?

My husband and I are 20 years apart. We've been together for about 10 years now. He was about 20 when we met... and me being about 40.

Everything has worked out fine. I'm sure that some people who meet us notice the age difference. But, we never consciously think about it.

Several years into the relationship I looked back at the first photos I ever saw of him. I was like, "OMG he looked so young."

I'm the one who initially made contact - as it pertains to us meeting. But, the first few months it was mostly him wanting things to go quickly in the relationship. I intentionally tried to keep things going slow vs. rushing into anything.

We both have our own strengths and weaknesses. I really don't think that age alone should be a deciding factor. Maybe it can be ONE factor to consider when deciding whether or not to date someone of another generation. But, I don't see a reason to just veto the idea completely. There are plenty of people with 10, 20, 30 year age gaps.... and they've been married for many years.

/r/askgaybros Thread