For those who haven’t played the original DS, how do you rate this game overall?

I rate this game 7/10. While objectively speaking this is the most polished Dark Souls game, it never really gave me the feeling of discovery or immersion. Like in Bloodborne the plot and combat is amazing and in DS2 there's so much random stuff and ganks you don't even know what to expect haha. In this game everything just kind of goes right as long as you play and there's so much recycled content it didn't feel original. Maybe miyazaki wanted to convey his dislike of making sequels metaphorically through the DLC plot, who knows. Then again, compared to games from other studios this game is way above them IMO.

I feel like I just played in the hopes of meeting strangers through PvP and Co-op instead of playing "my own adventure". And I can see why DS fans have complaints after seeing some snippets of walkthroughs of the original DS :D

/r/darksouls3 Thread