Forgive me father for I have sinned.

Ok so here it is.

'Twas a Friday and me and about 5 buddies decide to pick up some shizzle cos my buddy was off on holiday the day after. We drive around waiting for our dealer who takes fucking ages to get to us. We met at like 12ish and we ended up getting our shit at like nearly 6pm-ish. Neither of us can actually roll, which is a tragedy in itself, so we get some buddies to roll but they get a couple tokes for their time. After everything is done I put all the joints, about 12 in my lil box so they're safe.

We smoke one with our other bros (it was fuckin loud af) and for some reason I put the box on the roof of the car. We part ways and drive off. Halfway through our journey back to our spot I have an awful feeling in my stomach as if I don't have the weed with me. I check my bag and find nothing but my munchies for later. I check the back seats and find nothing either. I think " I can't be that stupid, right?" I hastily ask my bro in the front if I put my box up there. "Nah man there's nothing" Fuck. Fuck. FuckFuckFuck. Fuckity FuckFuck. Fuck. Fuuuuuck.

I though to myself "You fucking invalid! You complete, utter fuckboy! I hope you develop a crippling heroin addiction and die before you're 30, you piece of shit!" I'd left the goddamn box 'o' joints on the fucking roof of the car and we'd driven off. I felt like a close family member had died but worse. I'd wasted a good 6 hours of my friends time and ruined the last night of my buddies before he went off on holiday for a month.

I'd committed a heinous crime and I must repent my sins. I am sorry. I had to spend the rest of the night and morning with my buddies, which was awful cos I just wanted to crawl into a ball and die. We were so sad and it was 11001010101101% I wasted their time and money for absolutely nothing at all. I will never live this down and I will never forgive myself. I will pay my buddies back and need to save £60, including all the fuel my buddy wasted driving around for nothing, which will be hard as I'm flat broke.

That is my confession and I beg Jibbers Crabst for his forgiveness.

/r/trees Thread