Found on /r/adviceanimals of course.

The fuck did you just say about anime bro?! That shit is legit Japanese culture, and is highly superior to anything retarded that's on American television (except GoT). It's a fucking art, the stories are brilliantly woven to always have strong plots, deep meaning, and multi dimensional character, unlike these fucking piece of shit shows on American TV. Guess what? MTV is for fucking losers, it's fake as hell, and all the "GIRLS" (if you can even call them that) are so unbelievable that it LITERALLY blows my mind that people think this is even a possible standard.

Fucking telling me to shut up about anime? Anime is the future, and your retarded shows that are dumbing everyone down will fade away because enlighten people realize that shit is retarded. That's why people a cutting the cord, and TV is a failing media. You think dumb shit like The Big Bang a Theory (HURR DURR I MADE A JOKE ABOUT A VIDEO GAME HAHAHAHA SO FUCKING FUNNY) will continue to go on? FUCK you, and fuck off. Either get abroad with anime or get the fuck off of here

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