Friends vape rig exploded while he was using it.

It's just one of those things I laugh about. The old people who beat cancer and still puff on cigarettes and cigars and shit well past their 80s and 90s. They are everywhere. Yes, cigarettes are poison. No, not 100% of people who use tobacco die from it. It gets old hearing it. No, I don't work for tobacco. Yes, I smoke - and I think I'll survive everything about it. If I don't, I won't be anywhere online or off pleading for mercy to the understanding of others pretending I didn't know the risks. The same way people with liver failure die from alcoholism, the same way prostitutes and johns catch terminal diseases. You know the risks of what you do, don't pretend they're not real, but don't pretend 100% of the time it'll be your downfall.

I mean... What if I get in a car crash and suffer for a few weeks in ICU and ultimately die? Whose going to say "HAH IF YOU HADN'T SMOKED OR DRANK OR FUCKED OR NOT GONE TO CHURCH THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED!" It's just part of that nothing is 100% in life thing and though many of us make bad and risky decisions, nobody would do so if they were guarantees. Even a murderer who knows he'll probably get caught is gambling on the small percentage odds of getting away with it, he wouldn't do it if he knew 100% it was prison for life or death row. Not 100% of everything is true. "Smoking will kill you one way or another" is false. Drinking will kill you one way or another is false. Unprotected sex will kill you one way or another is false. Eating like a fucking retard will kill you one way or another is false. Best way to make these odds different is to do many of them in one lifetime. Otherwise the guarantees are over imposed. I felt like I was reading a DARE comment from /u/rodantheman - Marijuana will kill you one way or another! Marijuana will get you on heroin one way or another! Blah blah blah. Eating red meat will kill you one way or another.

Life will kill you one way or another.

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