Case File #20 Lyndhurst Ghost Hunters

Hey NoSleep, Secrets here. This file took awhile and had numerous setbacks but I got it finished and out. Whew. You know, I think this document has gone through five or six different word processors and maybe as many file formats. Don't do that, it's a nightmare and you will lost chunks of text.

It's actually too big for NoSleep and over the 40,000 character limit. Because of that I had to cut the transcriber's account of events and it will just be posted in the comments. Oh look, I had to cut this part and toss it in the comments too. I am really sorry about this guys.

Anyways, nothing has happened on my end. Nothing supernatural anyways. Real life is progressing as normal. Started a lame youtube channel, got a significant other, bought a car, got a raise at work, and found a new place to live. Adult stuff.

One other thing I wanted to bring up before submitting this to NoSleep. I have had thoughts of using a pseudonym to publish the first twenty Case Files and get them out to more people. I want to see what the general public thinks. On top of that if there's physical copies of the files around maybe O440 will have a harder time covering this all up in the event that they make a move on me. And, of course it'd be cool to snag some lunch money. Lunchables don't pay for themselves. My thought is to not charge an arm and a leg for it. It's mainly for people to either get a well constructed physical copy or a super cheap E-Book I'll go back through the files and clean up all my typos and maybe find a illustrator to sketch up the entities based on their descriptions. Just a thought I had, feel free to chime in.

Stay safe NoSleep. -Secrets

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