Saw this posted on a trashcan outside of work. Not sure how to feel.

Dude you gotta be brave snd a little reckless to survive. I’m 45 and been super fucked up my whole life. Own it. Don’t hide. There’s charm in being s hot mess. I’ve found good. You can too but you gotta get out of your comfort zone as often as possible.

You are passionate by nature. You just have to make a choice to do something. Anything. It will probably be wrong but you’ll learn. Eventually you’ll find something that gives you joy and some healing but you have to just keep making choices. It’s hard. It’s a long road but there is good at the end. Your best days are ahead of you I promise. I gave I. To despair for too many years when I was in my 20’s and 30’s. You gotta make your own way.

Our minds are broken but also… we get to peek behind the veil snd see the world in ways normies cannot. We see the soul and the mind in a structural way. We have wisdom and forceful truths the world needs to hear. We need each other too. I need to know you can be ok. You need to know I can be ok.

I tell my daughter this every day. She’ll stand in the candy aisle trying to make a choice but so afraid of regret she seizes up. I tell her her you have 5 seconds to make a choice and that if you regret it you’ll learn to make a different choice next time. It gives her peace and understanding of the Longview in life.

There will always be more chances and life is all about spitballing until you figure it out.

I don’t believe there’s no positive in your life. That’s the demon talking. You’d have killed yourself long ago were that true. I used to listen that lie and it put me in the hospital 4 times.

That voice hates you, it’s not gonna go away, but I promise one day you’ll laugh at how stupid it sounds.

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