From my Google Keep

In my dream i was living in a very large apartment building, that i understood to be burning down (i didnt see fire though). i was knocking on the doors trying to wake people up and yelling that there was a fire. i evacuated my family which included not only [my wife] and [my son], but my parents and siblings as well. i decided to go back up to alert more people and bring some of our things down. i made many trips doing this, at first bringing important things like the high chair and laptop, etc. when i knock on doors the people dont answer, though in the dream im assuming that theyre getting ready to run out. back in the apartment, our stuff starts duplicating - things i know ive brought down, like the high chair, are still there. even... a baby, who is crawling and crying on a very messy bed. i chuckle to myself, knowing that i'd never forget the baby. but just in case, i go over to pick him up, and see what happens when i take him down. however, upon getting closer, i see that this "baby" is long and disjointed, with four arms. i get freaked out and push it off the bed into even more mess..

someone was there helping me, possibly my dad, and he indicated doubt that there really was a fire. i decide to look out the window just to double check, and see the family down on the sidewalk along with some other escaped tenants and the police. i throw down some plastic apple sauce cups to check if theyre a hallucination, and some seem to disappear, but my family and the police are still there. i assume the other people ran quickly and i somehow didnt catch them.

the last thing i grab to bring down are our photos and boxes of personal, sentimental items. i meet maria outside and shes happy about all the stuff i brought. we all get into a mini van and get out of there.

in the next "scene" im alone in a megachurch cathedral, supposedly holy name cathedral here in chicago, but this is a giant megachurch with many levels of seating. im very displeased with it. [my wife] and the baby are supposed to be coming in. people are starting to fill up the pews, and theres a small choir that i understand to begin singing matins soon. theyre warming up by singing from a book titled 'praise and worship' and im passivly listening to what i think are kids songs.

irrelevant? side story: an insecure girl jumps up to play flute with the choir, but is painfully nervous about it and plays the quietest flute ive ever heard. people clap for her anyway. my dream ends with me going outside to find maria and seeing this girl crying into the arms of a man with shaky hands.

sidenote: the baby i understood to be my younger brother as well as [my son]

Edited May 6

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