frustration dealing with bipolarism and anxiety

No, just the lamitcal.

I've tried all of these in the past 2-3 years however:

-Lithium (discontinued, was causing issues for me)

-Sertrailine (discontinued, was interacting with lithium and making me more suicidal then actually dealing with my depression)

-Proazin (discontinued, unsure why i was taken off it)

-Lorazepam (discontinued, was only in use for a few weeks after hospitalisation)

-Trazodone(discontinued, unsure why i was taken off it)

-Perphenazine (discontinued, was causing mild hairloss and weight gain)

-Haldol: IV drip 2.5mg (this worked really well for me, but was only used in the hospital)

Whenever i bring up the topic of anxiety she just turns the conversation back to bipolar 1, whenever i talk about depression she just says "anti-depressents interact with all anti-psychotics) so i just feel completely lost and hopeless

/r/bipolar Thread Parent