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If you believe that, then please, I forsake you, from ever checking my older comment history, or some of my submitted posts, where 17 out of 29 of them are in the negatives.

No, to be perfectly honest, if you were to go ahead and check, you'll find people posts of mine in the negatives when what I did was THANK someone for answering a question. http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/303zfz/beta_character_slot_specifics/

Or, do please explain how I was not discussing "properly" in this thread. http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/21zr90/question_about_the_enemy_npc_ai_for_targeting_and/

I'll just get more tired and frustrated with constantly linking my posts, but simply put, you are wrong. The evidence is in my comment history.

As for discussing the downvoting that goes on, the justification is simple enough. It is practiced inappropriately. This is inappropriate behavior. Period. There is no other interpretation. And I will continue to speak on that fact. I will not cease to comment on the horrid and predictable nature of the redditors on this subreddit.

Also, I have had good discussions with people who disagree with me. Of course, anyone who comes along will often upvote one side of the disagreement and downvote the other, despite the fact both sides remain civil and discuss their viewpoint, but that is a very rare thing on this subreddit. I have tried to discuss things, but I will not discuss claims made that have no evidence to back them. "Any claim asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

So I ask for sources, and I get quotes of "Maps... maps... maps... MAPS... MAPS!... maps..." - "SEE! THEY SAY MAPS IN PLURAL MULTIPLE TIMES!" Excuse me for being skeptical.

So what I have seen just on this thread has not been discussion.

And what I have seen on this thread is very predictable behavior where people would seek out anything with my name attached to downvote it into the negatives.

As for so many past discussions, I have, on numerous occasion, admitted the fault if I was wrong. Otherwise, I don't admit I'm wrong simply because that is what people want to here. When someone provides a logical argument, and proper evidence for a claim that is counter to what I know, I will gladly admit the fault. Until then, from the knowledge I have, I know I am right in what I have said.

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