Fundeck sharing megathread

Played as high as R3 this month.

  • Win-Con - Waygate, Molten Reflection on Flamewaker/Arcane-Giant.
  • Has nut draws on coin that can complete quest on turn 4-5 and refill hand with 5-10 spells utilizing Mana Cyclone.
  • Should probably fit Polymorph: Boar into the deck, but haven't really had a problem with Priest outside of turn four Barne's.

s t o r m

Class: Mage

Format: Wild

2x (0) Elemental Evocation

2x (1) Arcane Blast

2x (1) Arcane Missiles

2x (1) Magic Trick

1x (1) Open the Waygate

2x (1) Ray of Frost

2x (2) Mana Cyclone

2x (2) Research Project

2x (2) Sorcerer's Apprentice

2x (3) Banana Buffoon

2x (3) Coldlight Oracle

2x (3) Flamewaker

1x (3) Stargazer Luna

2x (4) Leyline Manipulator

2x (4) Molten Reflection

2x (12) Arcane Giant


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

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