I'm in denial. Thoughts about religions are causing me insomnia.

My takes aren't at all unique on Reddit, but here's my take as far as I can tell. It sounds like you may be in a hard place, and I want to respect that.

The universe is a really scary, chaotic place. People don't like this, we need things to make sense. We turn stars into constellations, days into months, months into years. We create holidays and songs and put the world into an order that we feel suits us. When we die we're probably gone -- in the same way that blind people don't see darkness, they see nothing. Like trying to see through your elbow. When you're gone you don't suffer -- do you remember before you were born?

God may not be physically real, but he's real in the sense that something like the economy or a country is real. We believe it's real, and we treat it like it's real so the impact of those ideas are real. We're narrative animals, and religion gives us that narrative. So it may be important to ask if these ideas are helpful or not.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread