This is the future of America if Hillary wins

Why is this about gender? Gender is determined biologically already. Your sexual preferences, your masculinity or femininity, your self image is something you can work out later. The world doesn't have to identify with how you see yourself. That's subjective and qualitative. From a purely scientific and objective aspect what others see is what you are.

A 6ft 8inch caucasian may see themselves as a 3ft 2inch black princess. That's fine go for it. Just don't force us to recognise your sovereignty, call you princess tchalla and then get upset if we have to look up at you as we should look down as your so short.

Fucks sake. At that age kids don't know what the fuck they are, so having biased gender studies Teachers telling them to just choose what they feel is oppressing them as they just want positive affirmation at that stage.

This just reinforces the prejudice of the fucked up adult to form and create a reality that they want to conform to their own beliefs.

In the same manner it's no coincidence that a vast majority of Hindus are in countries where everyone around is a Hindu, and a vast majority of Muslims are from communities surrounded by Muslims, it is no surprise that gender fluid kids will be surrounded by gender fluid cunts.

Of course in the same manner Hindus, Muslims and whatever community you grow up in will make you think it was a free choice is wasnt and it never will be, especially if all the people you love and want to get positive attention are from only one set of ideologies.

And that's the hypocrisy of this gender fluid bullshit. They don't want children to grow up and form from themselves in roles often dictated by biology rather than society.

Your DNA is like a photo, nurture is how you allow tie photo to develop or not develop.

A little boy should grow up a little boy, yet if you press, push, reward, punish you can at an early age create a different picture. Some will get past the manipulation, many will not.

Stop pushing your own ideas of what society should or should not be regardless of the objective physiology and stop confusing sexuality with physicality.

My dog fucks a plushie toy till he is exhausted. It doesn't make him gay, straight or gender fluid. He's instincts just want him to fuck. He goes on instinct and most of us do as well from an early stage. Just let them develop in an environment that respects the nature rather than overly respects the social aspects. That shits for later

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