Genetics Public Service Announcement re; 'Lewontins Fallacy'

I can't wait for you to tell me. Do you know what any of the terms I used mean?

Yes, I know what Beta Amyloid plaque is. By your response I'm going to assume you think Alzheimer's originates in the brain, which furthers my opinion of you being a shit scientist.

pBR322 is a plasmid and was one of the first widely used E. coli cloning vectors. Created in 1977 in the laboratory of Herbert Boyer at the University of California, San Francisco, it was named after the Mexican postdoctoral researchers who constructed it. The p stands for "plasmid," and BR for "Bolivar" and "Rodriguez."

That is the plasmid I was referring to. As to why you think my story no longer "checks out", well that further proves your incompetence.

Kid, the pBR vector wasn't sequenced, it was assembled, by a team of post docs at that. It's image is used because it's one of the first of thousands that are used routinely in cloning.

LOL. So much ignorance of the history of your field. It's almost painful to imagine you being employed.

Science isn't baseball - you don't get to pick and choose your favorite scientist whose non-related work opinions align with your own. You seem the sort of person who would also dislike Neil deGrasse Tyson because he's a black dude. As for the 'totem pole' of scientific heirarchy you're suggesting - that is one of the more sophomoric 'my shits more real than your shit' arguments that people tend to grow out of in undergrad.

Molecular biologists have valid reasons to assume superiority over organismic biologists. Watson's opinions were not "non-related" to his work, they were informed by his work. Deep down you know he was right. As far as Neil DeGrasse Tyson goes, I don't like him because of shit like this. He's not really a scientist either. Ironically, I think the only reason white liberals like him so much is because he's black.

I really don't think you understand what my position is on this matter. I am absolutely, 100% in agreement that intelligence is heritable. You really, really, need to go back and carefully read my OP, and stop straw manning every thing I'm saying.

So you think James Watson was wrong, but you agree with what he said? You're a bundle of contradictions.

Did you have a point you wanted to make, or are you just generally asking me what I think of various people?

I love how guarded you are about answering questions or explaining your perspective. Are you scared to lose social justice points?

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