The genre of episodic games should not be called "Telltale Style" anymore.

Max's opinions really do favour a certain choice. I've played through and I've also seen youtubers play for their results and differences but Max tends to disagree strongly against doing certain things. The best example I have is who to blame for Kate's suicide, though I've never seen the results for blaming David, I blamed Jefferson and Max went crazy over it throughout Episode Three she was just saying how Jefferson was the wrong choice. Blaming Nathan doesn't get the same results with the choice being mostly ignored by Max. I don't dislike Max's opinions most of the time, she gives me a look on the side of morals, but on a choice were I was part of a 7% when ending the episode I didn't need her telling me I was wrong as well.

I'm not trying to say anything against your opinion but I am going to say mine. With Life is Strange, you are completely right - this is Max's story and you're just along for the ride. Honestly I think any other season of Life is Strange should follow the same pattern. However with Telltale I think it is very much something you need to roleplay with. I'll have to use TWD Season 1 as an example because I've been replaying it but you are meant to put yourself in the shoes of the character your playing in, or in this case Lee. You shape who you are, that's why my choices will be different than my friend's because we have different opinions on who Lee is. What I'm trying to say is that with Max you don't really shape her personality, whatever her choices she is pretty much the same person. I would also go to say that this is why so many of the choice have a very big split with what's done and what's not because Max has a personality outside of what you give her. Telltale main characters (other than Clementine, because she was in the first Season before you play as her, and Bigby, because he is also the main character of TWAU comics) don't have personality outside of what you give them, no matter what back-story they're given you shape them throughout the game.

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