This girl I know is REALLY proud of herself for being a grad student. Every. Goddamn. Day.

i don't know if that is pride you are reading, or loneliness. she just sounds lonely, notice the lack of "likes" on her posts? or the sharing of compounding useless facts about her day? it isn't that that information is useless, but the sharing of it is, it's like people who post shitty food on facebook/instagram, the food looks fucking terrible and the dietary brainwashing people post is utterly counterproductive, yet the loneliest of facebook friends seem compelled to share their "creation" because of other insatiable qualities to their character, like in their hierarchy of needs they feel unsatisfied for the basic requirements of community and belonging/appreciation from their peers and so they blast you with stuff. i can also tell you from a perspective of culinary experience that the shit people post on social media is fucking dog food and not something to feel proud of, yet the vehicle of social media allows an uncensored version of our ego to reach out without much thought and prod at the world around us trying to inspire an interaction. for her, it is information she retains from school, which is somewhat innocent because reciting it again and again (what she did there) helps us remember it better and recall those facts later on, like a muscle being worked out at the gym. she is also innocent because she is doing this to her so-called "friends". it would be reasonable to think that this group of peers which is at least 50% considered friends (her 50% of the relationships) and so she is logical in thinking that she must share so common interests or opinions with them and is enticing a response from them. this is totally reasonable, and it looks somewhat sad for us to flip through her attempts at communication with a friend-group (OP you in there too) that doesn't appreciate her good-natured attempts at experiencing what everyone else gets to in their daily lives, friendship. this is just sad, and not cringe worthy. OP why are you friends with her if you think this is just pride? there was nothing sinful about it, she didn't boast about being better than you, or smarter, or probably having a better future than you with my prospects and opportunity because of her education background and positive outlook on life despite the obvious flaws of inadequate social behavior and socializing skills (something that can be solved with age, being a dick not so much trust me i know that one, irony levels here are off the charts!).

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