[Giveaways] EN School Idol Movie Code (Rin/Hanayo)

Aahh, I'll throw in an entry for Rin! A lot of what draws me to Rin (particularly her development throughout season 2) is largely personal so sorry if this is confusing or difficult to parse -- it's a bit embarrassing to put into words to begin with, haha.

At first, I began to love her purely for her energetic personality and how sincerely happy she is regardless of what goes on around her, but as I kept watching and saw how she had been struggling to reconcile her 'tomboyish' personality with the 'girly' aspects of being an idol, I think that's when she really managed to solidify her position as one of my most treasured members. That sort of pressure to conform to a stereotype or the fear of not 'fitting in' to a specific type of image... it's something I've struggled with a lot myself. I'm always finding myself caught between trying to look and act how I 'should,' and just being myself -- since I was young I've had a lot of backlash about being too feminine, too emotional, not strong enough, etc. Seeing Rin not only struggle with accepting herself but standing up to show herself to the world despite how others might see her or categorize her, it's made her one of those characters that I see as being really inspirational and can only hope that I might have half as much courage as one day. I'm just a regular person with pushy relatives and conservative friends who don't exactly 'get' it, but Rin is famous; imagining how much strength and bravery it must take for her to step out on stage in the beautiful dresses that she's always wanted to wear but always been afraid to because it's 'not like her'... I guess it's kind of silly, but I find that something to aspire to, myself. I teared up a bit when I saw her idolized Victorian SR because it's the very definition of how far Rin has come throughout the series; she's beautiful and she's confident and, most of all, she's happy -- and it has her spunky side too, with her wink and peace sign! I love all of her cards, but it's ones like that, where we can see every side of Rin, that really make me happy and remind me that, in the end, it doesn't matter what other people think of you or how you don't 'fit in' to where people will tell you you should be -- even if it's scary at first.

She's become a large part of why I enjoy the series as a whole now, and I can't see that changing anytime soon.

/r/SchoolIdolFestival Thread