Giving away a small house on Hyperion.

Fellow Hyperion-ner(?) here!

It's really sweet of you to do this! I was nervous when I picked this server because you never know how the community will be. I got picked up by a random FC, and while small and friendly, I always felt a bit isolated on the server. It's nice to know there are other friendly people out there looking to boost the community!

Like many, I play an mmo as an escape from the unpleasant parts of the real world! I've only been playing since late October, so while I have 2 "60's" (whm and brd), I haven't done much with any crafters/gathers, and am, of course, very broke =D. But at least without money to burn, I don't spend much time dwelling on what to buy! Currently, I've been trying to improve my item level, but it gets tedious to repeat the same few bits of content. I've thought about leveling up the other classes, and plan to eventually, but sometimes I want to do something passive, not active, and be a bit tranquil. I'd love to have something to decorate and make my own, and I really really really want to try gardening. If I tried to glamour my character the way I like, I'd quickly run out of what little gil I have, so I'd love to have a house to put a "stamp" on that won't need to be "re-applied" every time I level up/change gear like with your characters. And, I'd love having to work for the decorations bit by bit. I get to feel accomplished without (again) the worry of having to change it when I "level up." I also have a christmas tree in my inventory that I've been dying to put somewhere year round!

When I was younger I used to LOVE playing the various iterations of the Sims games, not really for the people, I just liked building and decorating houses. Now that I'm older - with $200k it student debt, woo!, I'm having a hard time letting go of the dream of home ownership that really seems unattainable (most single family homes in the area are probably in the range of 500k, so it just won't happen any time soon for me) but isn't that what mmo's do in part? Let you live vicariously and adventurously through someone you get to create? That's the fun part! So that's why I'm trying to save for a house, bit by bit!

Anyways, thanks again for this, I think it's very sweet! It gives me warm fuzzies to think people like this play the game. I hope whomever you pick invites everyone over for a house-warming party, it would be fun!

/r/ffxiv Thread