God I hate this guy

He’s romanticizing companies as if they weren’t quick to cut their workers at the drop of a hat to meet some earnings target, or to try to make up for a string of bad quarters. A worker “should” give a 2 week notice yet it’s perfectly acceptable for a company to fire a worker without notice. Is that “honorable”? Is it “honorable” that the vastly growing income inequality in the US (and abroad) by owners of companies is intentionally designed as to exploit as much value from their workers as they can, and attempt to give as little as possible in return? I guess he also thinks it’s “honorable” for executives of companies to be paid millions in bonuses while the lowest rung of workers in those companies need food stamps and housing assistance to survive. “Honor” wasn’t built into the capitalist system that runs the modern economy.

Only a die-hard fundamentalist Christian thinks being watched is preferable to freedom and privacy. He should move to North Korea. He’ll definitely be watched there.

/r/overemployed Thread Link - youtu.be