Working as a Government Contractor and a second job impossible?

Yeah. Ultimately the risk has to be born by the individual. There is no answer. The questionnaire has to use previous posts to make their own calculations.

Being an OE vet (both on reddit & work), I don't remember ever answering this question. Honestly I have been gate keeping this answer just in case clearance regulators frequent this community. I will delete in 30 mins OP.

Yes, you can do OE with govt job i.e - multiple govt gigs - one or more govt gigs & public firms etc.


1) You should have gotten your clearance before OE

2) Don't get govt two jobs in the same department. For example, can't do two DOD jobs.

3) Not a direct employee of the govt.

Explanation for each:

1) It is much easier and less risk if you have gone through the clearance process while you have/had one job. Clearance investigators will contact your previous employers (dependency on type of clearance).

If you already had your clearance, then it's easier to transition to another govt gig.

2) Same department will not work. Agencies under a department tend to use the same data pool. For two govt gigs work two different agencies. I know people that have 3 govt gigs

3) This one is obvious. All govt employees must declare financial records and conflicts of interest. The scrutiny and penalty is not the same as govt contractor.

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