Good-Bye Cev!

Before this post inevitably gets deleted. I will attempt to save you mate. As a community, where community interaction is so fundamentally important, we can often look over individual qualities. In this case, it is your bigotry and Cevs choice on how they view themselves.

It is quite simple. They are themselves and you are yourself. Nothing you do can comparatively change their view because they are more attuned with themselves than you are. What you believe has very little bearing on what they believe.

You dont have to accept their choices or views, but the least you can do is be respectful. To be kind to your fellow man. To respect them both in our community and beyond, and understand the benefits cooperation reaps.

I myself, until very recently, was unaware of their choice. I dont care, not out of rudeness, but because it doesnt affect my opinion of the person. They make good comments, I shout loudly in British. We both have something to offer.

So, I recommend you head my words and try again. -Foolish

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