good guy Einstein

I agree with the vast majority of what you said, just two quick things:

Apparently, arguing that other races are less civil or intelligent, wanting them segregated or deported, using derogatory slurs, etc. aren't racism

To me any reasonable person would say these are all pretty far into the racism scale, like if someone said any of these things in any group I'm part of they'd immediately be ostracized. Not that this a strawman, just that the people who believe that these aren't textbook racist acts are friggin nuts.

I'm also in the camp that even those "micro-aggressions" (In quotes since I'm not educated enough to know if that's the right term) listed are still pretty racist and not so micro. This is only mentioned to give an idea of what I'd consider racist for the next point of

the unreasonable accusations are definitely happening and should be condemned. But they don't make up all or even most of the accusations,

I definitely do feel like they're the bulk of the accusations nowadays unfortunately. That's not to say that racism isn't extremely prevalent either. I feel like at some level every person of every minority experiences racism whether inherent or external, but instead to speak to the volume of people who misuse the word. I think that if people who said any race based remark (IE: Biden saying during town hall that people in minority groups were having a hard time finding info on when to get vaccinated) is inherently racist stopped that'd clear like 95% of these though, and it's just disappointing to see people hijacking a tragic injustice and using it for political gain.

Also if you don't mind, what is the proper term to use when describing people who have racial prejudice against them as a broader group? I feel like PoC is wrong since not everyone who is experiencing racism is a person of color, and I feel like minority may be too broad a term?

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